Aspelund Lutheran Church Cemetery Flom, Minnesota. Lot 78C-1 ALBERTSON, BERTINUS ?BERT? 8/25/1898 7/6/1962 BORN TO: Nils & Anna (Kvidt) Albertson in Home Lake Township of Norman County MARRIED TO: Esther Flom on March 21,1925 ...
READING John L. bTveten's/b excellent book, The Birds of Texas, one learns that the turkey vultures (more common here than the shorter-winged black vultures) have a slow wake-up period. After roosting all night, b....../b He said that the owner of a large bestate/b had taken a Rolls Royce sedan and had a carpenter customize it with wooden sides and racks inside for fishing tackle and guns, since the vehicle was used for hunting and fishing on the bestate/b. In the 1920s, he noted, ...